Bernina Express into Italy

It was a tiring day but as of last evening we have moved into Italy and our last leg of our journey. The Bernina Express was a filled with wonderful sights despite the gray and rainy weather.Pictures will follow but are limited because of the inclement weather. We crossed some incredible viaducts at dizzying heights and got up close to a massive glacier.

This scenic train trip was not only for sight seeing but was also our mode of transportation to Italy. When we arrived in Tirano, Italy we had only eight minutes to make our connection and being unfamiliar with the station we missed it. It was the first glitch of the trip but resolved it by taking the next train an hour later. We almost missed that one too as they changed the platform without broadcasting it loud enough.

Our trip to our next connection at Milano Centrale was long and tiring but some of the ride passed through Lake Como, a wonderful stay during a previous trip. It is a wonderful place in Italy and so thinks Georg Clooney who lives there. Though we have been to this train station a number of times, one can never get used to it. It is massive, crowded, and stressful. And to think we will pass this way twice more on this trip. You just need to have a combative mood.

We finally boarded our one hour trip to Stresa which runs parallel to Lake Como. We arrived to a wonderful setting. Mountains touching the lake in all directions, a wonderful lakeside promenade, narrow alleys with dozens of Italian restaurants, pedestrian squares with the same, ferry boats dotting the lake going to the nearby islands, our beautiful lakeside historic Grand hotel with Lakeview balcony, we were far from most civilizations and the Milan station. The next three nights will teach us that it is not stressful in Stresa. Pictures to follow !

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